Monday, November 29, 2010

Breast Cancer Medication

Breast Cancer Medication

There are several factors that are so consideration of doctors before deciding on the best treatment, namely the stadium as well as the level of development of cancer, comprehensive health conditions from sufferers and the menopause

Breast cancer detected through routine checks usually are at an early stage. Primary breast cancer (cancer cells first derived from breast cells and not the result of the spread of cancer cells of other organs) generally can be cured completely if diagnosed and treated early.


While the cancer detected due to physical symptoms that appear may already be on a stage further. If detected at an advanced stage and after it spread to other parts of the body, then breast cancer cannot be cured. The type of treatment that will be recommended any different and aimed to lighten the load for the sufferer.

This type of handling the first breast cancer usually is operating. Types of operations varies depending on the type of breast cancer you suffered. The process of operation is usually followed up with chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or biological treatment for some specific cases. Chemotherapy or hormone therapy also can sometimes be the first treatment step.

If detected at an advanced stage after it spread to other parts of the body, breast cancer cannot be cured. The type of treatment that will be recommended any different and aimed to lighten the load for the sufferer.

Operating processes

Surgery for breast cancer is divided into two, namely operations that only raised the tumor and breast uplift surgery thoroughly (mastectomy). Plastic surgery reconstruction usually can be done directly after the mastectomy.

To deal with early stage breast cancer, research suggests that a combination of surgical removal of the tumor and radiotherapy has the same level of success with a total mastectomy.

Lumpektomi (surgical removal of the tumor)

In lumpektomi, the shape of the breast will be left intact se maybe. This surgery is generally recommended for small-sized tumors and includes tumor removal, along with a bit of healthy tissue around it. Consideration in determining the amount of breast tissue that would include the quantity of networks around the tumor that needs to be lifted, the type, size, location of the tumor, and the size of the breast.

Mastectomy (breast Rapture)

This operation is the process of appointment throughout the breast tissue, including the nipples. Sufferers can undergo a mastectomy along with the stain of biopsy lymph sentinel if there is no indication of the spread of cancer in the lymph nodes. By contrast, sufferers are encouraged to undergo the process of appointment of the lymph nodes in the armpit if the cancer has already spread to parts of it.

Plastic surgery reconstruction

This is the operation process to create new breasts as possible with the other breast. Plastic surgery reconstruction can be done in two ways, namely direct reconstruction operation in conjunction with mastectomy, and reconstructions periodically conducted some time after the mastectomy. The creation of this new breast surgery can be performed using breast implants or tissue from other parts of the body.

Step In Chemotherapy

There are generally two types of chemotherapy, i.e. chemotherapy after surgery to destroy cancer cells and shrink the useful before surgery the tumor. The types and combinations of anticancer drugs that are used will be determined by the physician based on the type of cancer and the rate of its spread.

The side effects of chemotherapy will generally affect healthy cells. Therefore, prevention or control some of the side effects of other drugs will be dealt with by the doctor. Some of the side effects of chemotherapy include loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, mouth ulcers, or a sensation of burning in the mouth, prone to infection, fatigue, as well as hair loss.

Chemotherapy can also inhibit the body's production of estrogen hormones. Sufferers who have not experienced menopause may experience menstruation has stopped during chemotherapy. This cycle should be back after treatment is completed. However, premature menopause may also occur in women who are over 40 years old because they approached the average age of menopause.

If other body parts have been hit by the spread of breast cancer, chemotherapy is not going to be able to cure cancer. But chemotherapy can shrink tumors, relieve symptoms, and extend.

Step Radiotherapy

Radiotherapy is the process of therapy to destroy the remnants of the cancer cells with radiation dose control. This process is usually given about a month after surgery and chemotherapy in order to condition the body can be recovered first. But not all breast cancer sufferers need it.

The same as chemotherapy, this procedure also has side effects, namely Breast skin irritation so that they are painful, red, watery, and breast skin color became more dark, excessive fatigue and limfedema (excess fluid that appears in arms due to blockage of the lymph nodes in the armpit).

Hormone Therapy To Cope With Breast Cancer

Specifically for breast cancer that is estrogen fueled its growth or natural progesterone (a hormone-receptor-positive cancers), hormone therapy is used to lower levels of the hormone inhibiting cancer or the effects of it. This step is also performed before surgery to shrink the tumor in order to be easily lifted, but generally applied after surgery and chemotherapy.

If the conditions are less healthy, sufferers will be unable to undergo surgery, chemotherapy, or radiotherapy. Therefore, hormone therapy may be an alternative as a single treatment process.

The duration of hormone therapy is generally recommended is a maximum of five years after the operation. This type of therapy that will be traveled depends upon your age, whether you have menopause or not, the level of development of cancer, the type of hormones that trigger cancer, and other types of treatment that are living.

The enzyme aromatase inhibitor and Tamoksifen are two types of drugs that are commonly used in hormone therapy. Tamoksifen serves to inhibit estrogen so as not to tie themselves to the cancer cells.

While the enzyme aromatase inhibitor is recommended for sufferers who have been experiencing menopause. Its function is to impede the performance of aromatase, that is the substance that helps the production of estrogen in the body after menopause. An example of this medication available in tablet form and is taken daily are letrozol, anastrozol, and eksemestan.

Tamoksifen enzyme inhibitor of aromatase and can cause some side effects that resemble, among other headaches, nausea, vomiting and the sensation of heat, sweating, heart pounding and (hot flushes). However, tamoksifen has a special side effects, that can cause changes in the menstrual cycle in people with breast cancer.

Ovarian Ablation Or Suppression Measures

Ovarian ablation or suppression of ovarian performance will stop to produce estrogen.

Own ablation can be done with surgery or radiotherapy. Ovarian ablation will stop permanently ovarian performance and trigger early menopause.

Ovarian suppression using agonis luteinising hormone-releasing hormone (aLHRH) named goserelin. The use of these drugs will stop menses for a while. Menses will return to normal after discharging process is completed. Approaching old age for patients with menopause or about 45 years, menstruation they may stop permanently although the wearing of goserelin is finished.

Goserelin injections are given once a month. Side effects this drug resembles menopausal emotional feelings, such as difficulty sleeping and the sensation of heat is accompanied by heart palpitations.

Biological Therapy With Trastuzumab

The growth of some types of breast cancer that is triggered by the protein HER2 (human epidermal growth factor receptor 2) called HER2 positive. In addition to stopping the effects of biological therapy, HER2 also helps the immune system to fight cancer cells. If Your high levels of HER2 protein and you are capable of undergoing biological therapy, trastuzumab may be recommended by Your doctor for after chemotherapy.

Functional antibodies destroy the harmful cells such as viruses and bacteria. This protein produced naturally by the immune system. Trastuzumab is a type of biological therapy known as monoclonal antibodies. This drug will inhibit HER2 so that cancer cells will die.
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Posted by Dr Rudy
Breast Cancer Women Updated at: 7:37 PM
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Related : Breast Cancer Medication


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